I am sure by now, many of you have explored and used breakout rooms in some capacity to simulate an in-class, in-person dynamic lost to us as a result of COVID. The breakout room is how we do small group work in an online course. If you have been struggling with it or not sure if it is useful, you are not alone.
In a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, it appears our students have some mixed feelings about the breakout room as well. It seems some find them awkward because nobody talks or classmates turn off their camera and disengage. Instructions aren’t clear about what they are to do, or they are left in the room too long, and they feel like it is a waste of time. However, there are also positive benefits from using breakout rooms. These include some students feeling more comfortable in smaller groups, and it provides live face-to-face interactions.
I think we all agree that interaction is essential to learning, and given the dynamic of online learning, we do need to find ways to engage learners in real time with us and each other. The key issues that create challenges in breakout rooms include lack of detailed instructions, clearly defined student roles and tasks, appropriate time limits, and teacher presence. It is also vital to make sure you provide guidance and a tutorial about navigating a Zoom breakout room for your students to decrease potential frustration when they engage the platform.
Here are some suggestions for how to make your breakout sessions more effective.
As many of us continue to deliver our curriculum online, group learning and breakout rooms provide an effective learning method. Taking time to plan, including students in some of the decision-making, and being mindful about some of the challenges of this format may improve your course effectiveness and the students learning experience.
Facilitate Group Work (n.d.). Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Colorado – Boulder. Retrieved from https://www.colorado.edu/center/teaching-learning/teaching-resources/teaching-well-technology/zoom/facilitate-group-work
McMurtrie, B. (2020). Teaching: How to make breakout rooms work better. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from https://www.chronicle.com/newsletter/teaching/2020-12-10
Successful Breakout rooms in Zoom. (n.d.). Stanford Teaching Commons, Stanford University. Excerpted from Diane Lam’s “Structuring Short –Term Group Work Online with Zoom Breakout Rooms.” Retrieved from https://teachingcommons.stanford.edu/news/successful-breakout-rooms-zoom
For more information about setting up and managing Zoom breakout rooms visit: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206476313
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